Everyday, in every way, be your best self.
– Dr. Faith Troupe

In Loving Memory

August 30, 1977 – June 9, 2023

In loving memory of a dear friend and remarkable psychotherapist.

It is with heavy hearts that we bid farewell to Faith, a compassionate soul who touched countless lives through her profound dedication to healing and understanding. Her untimely departure has left an indescribable void in our hearts and within the community she served with unwavering commitment.

Faith was not just a psychotherapist but also a beacon of light, a source of solace, and a guiding presence for those navigating the complexities of the mind and heart. Her empathetic nature, wisdom, and ability to truly listen allowed her to connect with people, providing comfort, guidance, and hope during their difficult moments.

In the therapy room, Faith was a masterful guide, helping people unpack their struggles, discover their strengths, and find new paths toward growth and resilience. She possessed an extraordinary gift of understanding and empathy, making her clients feel seen, heard, and valued. Through her compassionate approach, she inspired change and helped shape lives for the better.

Beyond the professional, Faith was a cherished friend, a confidant, and a trusted source of support. She radiated warmth and kindness, always ready to lend a listening ear, offer words of wisdom, and share laughter. Her genuine care and nurturing spirit extended beyond the therapy room, creating lasting bonds with those fortunate enough to have known her.

Faith’s death leaves a void that cannot be filled, but her legacy lives on in the lives she touched and the positive impact she made. We are forever grateful for the invaluable lessons, guidance, and love she shared with us. Let us remember Faith not with sorrow, but with gratitude for the profound difference she made in our lives and the lives of many others.

In honoring her memory, let us strive to carry forward her passion for healing, understanding, and compassion. May we be inspired by her example to support one another, to foster mental well-being, and to spread kindness and empathy throughout the world.

Rest in peace, dear friend. Your light continues to shine brightly in our hearts.