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Black Love

Did you know there is a day of the year reserved for celebrating Black Marriage? Some people are not aware of the day or its significance, but it really does exist. Black Marriage Day started in 2003 and is celebrated March 22nd every year. The day is designated to celebrate marriage in the Black community. It can be celebrated in large community groups or intimate gatherings.

Who knew?

Why celebrate Black Marriage? Why not?

I remember when I first came across the Wedded Bliss Foundation.  I was surprised that someone had taken the time to make an actual day for celebrating Black Marriage.  I knew as a Marriage and Family Therapist in training I wanted to participate in the celebration of Black Marriage, Black Families and Black Love. It seems so simple to celebrate marriage, Black Marriage, but it isn’t. It requires commitment to celebrating marriage, while also acknowledging the inherent challenges to healthy marriages in every community, and more specifically, the Black community. This involves the celebration of those relationships that create a foundation for healthy communities and families, in spite of racism, trauma, poverty, and daily life stress.

So of course the question comes, but why? Do we really need to celebrate Black Marriage and Black Families? My quick answer is yes. My long answer is as an African American woman, celebrating Black Marriage and Black Families is celebrating me and the work I do every day as a therapist. I enjoy being able to support couples as they work through some of their challenges and improve their communication. It takes courage to come to therapy and I appreciate being able to support individuals with becoming the better version of themselves, so they can show up better as partners, wives, husbands, parents, daughters, sons, etc.

I encourage all individuals and couples I work with to celebrate their decision to work on self and their relationships. It is important to acknowledge the reason that brings you to therapy and celebrate the progress made along the way. So, yes we should be open to celebrating Black Marriage.

Celebrate Black Marriages, Black Families, and Black Love. 

It is the symbol of Black Love and Black Love is beautiful. I hope every family and couple take time to celebrate themselves and the commitment made to grow together. I hope we can take more time to celebrate the love and the beauty it creates in our communities.