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Your life probably fluctuates between periods of order and organization, and moments of chaos. Deadlines, meetings, personal struggles, issues at home, and numerous commitments may consume you. Time flies by, life keeps happening, and eventually you’re left feeling drained. For many, taking care of others’ needs and wants is a priority, while your own needs get placed on the backburner. Feelings of overwhelm or stress become status quo. The last thing on your mind is self-care. Somehow just the idea of taking time out to tend to your needs makes you feel guilty for even thinking about it.

You may think of self-care as the new buzz word. Maybe it’s a new fad used by people to make excuses to indulge in activities they don’t really need. Or perhaps a reason to ignore the needs of others. Is there really a difference between self-care and selfishness?


Self-care is the mindset that we intentionally engage in activities to take good care of ourselves mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically. Self-care involves practices that we engage in regularly to maintain and enhance our health and well-being.


The first definition that is noted in Webster’s Dictionary is “concerned excessively or exclusively with oneself”. Alternatively, it defines selfish as “seeking or concentrating on one’s advantage, pleasure, or well-being without regard for others”.

Understanding these definitions for self-care and selfish, we see the requirement for both is that you make yourself a priority. Society often attaches a negative connotation to selfishness, thinking of it only in excess. Rarely is it seen as positive. Contrary to what we’ve been taught, I want to challenge you to consider selfishness a prerequisite of self-care. Honor yourself, get in touch with your body and your inner self, spend time pleasing you, consider your needs a priority. When looking at it as a connection with your overall well-being, selfishness is imperative in order to create better health mentally, physically, spiritually, and emotionally.

Self-care takes various forms.

Are you wondering where to start with self-care? No worries. Over time you’ll find your rhythm and routine. You will be able to implement more ideas and identify basic activities to build your cache of self-care items that work for you. To get you started, here are some ideas you could do to make your needs a priority…a healthy selfishness.


  • Cry when you need to
  • Laugh when you can
  • Ask three good friends to give you positive feedback.


  • Clean out an old closet or drawer
  • Journal
  • Walk your dog


  • Try yoga
  • Take a hot shower
  • Get a massage


  • Take yourself out to eat, a movie, or both
  • Do a project you always wanted to do
  • Give yourself a two-day getaway for the weekend


  • Breathe in the fresh air
  • Snuggle under a cozy blanket
  • Listen to rain or running water


  • Call an old friend
  • Go to lunch with some friends
  • Participate in a book club


  • Attend church
  • Light a candle
  • Meditate

Whatever you do to take care of yourself is up to you, but choose something. So, self-care or selfish…what’s your take? I say self-care IS selfish, and that’s okay!